Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to Help People on the East Coast Immediately

I heard on the news this morning that they are asking you to text anyone you know on the East Coast with weather and news information. They don't have power and this may be one way to reach them.
Also, if you hear reports from anyone in the stricken states, please post information and how we can help them after the storm clears.

Monday, October 22, 2012

New Story Released in Chicken Soup for the Soul Be Positive

I am so excited to share with you that Oct. 23rd is the release date for the new Chicken Soup For the Soul Be Positive Book. I am so honored to have a chapter among so many people with inspirational stories.

My story is call Unity in Goodbye. It is the continuation of the story of my family found in the book, Chicken Soup for the Soul Family Caregiver. I find it to be interesting that this story is available to share just 2 days after the anniversary of Lou Ferratier's passing.

I would also like to let you know that my website synchronousmoments.wordpress is undergoing some exciting changes. My blog can be found at that site as well and I would very much appreciate you signing up to follow at that site, as this one will be phased out in the next few months.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Playing for Change

I have been following this group for a while. I love that music is a language that is shared around the world. Many countries have been adding music and instruments to their children's lives even when their living conditions are so meager.

Please feel free to enjoy this video and read the information about this foundation. I am not in any way promoting for the foundation. It just touches my soul and I wanted to share it with you.

Playing For Change began with a small film crew and a mobile recording studio. From there it grew into a movement encompassing a non-profit organization that operates music schools in 7 countries, and a touring band composed of musicians from around the world.

This video will bring you along for the ride-- Join Playing For Change's musical journey!



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