Saturday, November 19, 2011

Water, Water, Everywhere and Finally A Drop To Drink-for my friend Mary

Susan, Jean,Mary

This picture was taken at a Reiki Retreat in February. I have similar pictures of the three of us going back over the last seven years.

Mary is my friend, my mentor, and the grandmother I choose. She is a cheerful, inspirational warrior who has been fighting a variety of medical issues for a long time.

The last two months have been particularly difficult in terms of water retention. Her water intake has been closely monitored to the point she was hardly allowed any fluid and ice chips have been her saving grace.

She entered hospice yesterday and the fluid restriction was lifted. She is now able to have water; something that is so basic to our survival. I feel gratitude holding a glass so she can take a sip of water.  Posted by Picasa


  1. I know it looks like I wrote this post but I am copying this post for Michelle UluOla. She wrote the comment but it did not post. I wonder if that has happened to anyone else.-Jean-

    Jean, I'm a believer in and advocate for hospice. My late husband and I benefited immensely from the 4 months of home hospice we had--the caregivers were angels who lovingly supported both of us, providing quality of life for him and a peaceful, dignified transition.

    We also had some incredible experiences with support from the "other side" that made the process wondrous. Twice over the 4 months, there was a cloud of heavenly fragrance next to his bed, and he felt the presence of his late mother. His sister affirmed that what we were smelling was a perfume that had been her favorite. On the morning he made his transition, George had been in and out of consciousness and suddenly sat up declaring he'd "seen an angel." I asked if it was male or female, and he said female. A few hours later, he told me he could see his mother, and I knew she was waiting to welcome him. What wonderful validations! It's important that family and friends pay attention to what a person is saying as they prepare to transition. Never discount their experience--they are not hallucinating because of medication--they already have one foot on the other side and can often convey things they are experiencing.

    I pray that Mary's transition will be peaceful and filled with Light...and that you will experience a taste of the wonderments, too. I found these two quotes to be very comforting, and perhaps, you'll want to share them:
    "Life is eternal, and Love is immortal, and death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight."-- Rossiter Worthington Raymond, 1840-1918

  2. Michelle, Thank you so much for your thoughtful post. I really like your advice to, "Never discount their experience." I hope your note will be as helpful to others as it is to me. I invite others to share hospice stories.
