Saturday, November 21, 2015

Sweets Can Be the Death of Me

So many tasty cakes ...

I love frosting. My husband would ask if I would like a little cake with my frosting. I’m the one that asks for the corner outside piece of decorated sheet cakes. I am filled with dismay when at a birthday party I see the person next to me scraping the decorated sugar flowers off the cake and leaving them discarded on the plate.

The last frosting I consumed was over 3 months ago. I am a sugar addict proclaiming, “I am 90 days frosting free!”

It took a major medical diagnosis to bring around a transformation for me. I found out I am diabetic and this is a big adjustment.

It is my intention to share my reflections and experiences on this new road that I must navigate. It is my desire that my musings might be helpful to others learning to live with diabetes. To be notified of new posts just click on follow me on the right top of the page. Please feel free to share with other interested parties. (Occasionally there may be other topics in my posts.)