Monday, December 31, 2012

Orb video-Renamed Awe of Gratitude

This is my opportunity to show you how word/sound vibrations affect the energy around us.
In this video you can see how words like happy, gratitude, and awe will increase the size and duration of orbs. It starts a bit slow but look for the amazing blue orbs starting at 1:05.  Another big burst shows around 1:36. You can watch the video here, but I suggest that you click the YouTube selection on the video and watch it with a full screen.
If you enjoy the video and wish to see more, please go to YouTube Jean Ferratier or jeanferratier1 Feel free to leave a comment and/or press like. Thank you.
May this be a blessed year for you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Synchronous Moments, Orbs, Life Happens: Successful Hints for Orb photography during the ho...

This is a reblog of  suggestions of how to successfully take holiday orb pictures. Just click the link. I wish you a very happy, orb filled holiday!

Synchronous Moments, Orbs, Life Happens: Successful Hints for Orb photography during the ho...: Picture taken in front of the Illinois State Capitol Building in Springfield Orbs, (Spirit guides and Angels) love to celebrate holidays ...

Monday, December 17, 2012

12-16-12 Hunderds of Orbs Narrated on video during Happiness

I have been continuing to narrate videos of orb activity in my room. I have begun to notice not only the effect of words on the activity, but also how the activity relates to my mood.

This video that I share now was recorded when I was happy and had a very high vibration.
I have started a dictionary of words that seem to have an energetic charge. There are many but the word anticipation had several. There may be a lull but it picks up toward the end. 

All of my videos are available on YouTube under the name Jean Ferratier. There are a variety of narrated videos taken under different circumstances. Some are almost like training videos. If you are learning something new or enjoy the videos please, press like on YouTube. That will help bring up the topic more easily for others to find.

I hope you enjoy seeing these videos as well. There is much we do not understand and I appreciate your walking along this journey with me. I realize that this topic may be very new to you and to learn more about orbs I suggest you go to for a brief written and audio discussion. 

Other information is included in the chapter about orbs in my Amazon Book called Reading Symbolic Signs: How to Connect the Dots of Your Spiritual Life.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Special and Thoughtful Gifts for those with Dementia

The other day in the State Journal Register, I read an article about holiday shopping when someone on your list suffers from memory loss. The article was written by Renee Lepham Collins and I thought it might be very helpful to pass on some of the information.
Myndi Milliken, director of a long-term care facility made some of the following suggestions. My mother had memory loss and I know the following would have been very helpful to her. (and to my peace of mind)
  • For those who still drive, program a GPS with destinations like home, grocery store, mall, and doctor’s offices.
  • Cellphones that have pre-programmed and even voice command phone numbers.
  • Give a new calendar with pertinent dates such as birthdays and appointments.
  • Start a photo album or work on a scrapbook together. Label pictures with names, why and where they were taken, and most important the feeling of the event. (I especially like this one as it something you do together and continually add to the album. Thinking of this as a craft activity can make it a more joyful activity for everyone involved. I bet others would go through this kind of album if left out on a coffee table. (This just occurred to me; maybe family members could each make a scrapbook page of themselves that is labeled to contribute thus bringing in more attention and involvement of the family in a positive manner.)
If you have any other ideas that you think might be helpful please add them to the comments area.

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