Monday, June 18, 2012

I Am From the Land of Lincoln

"I am from the Land of Lincoln," is what I tell my friends from around the world. Thanks to Face Book, this is the reference point of my location on the  world map. Almost every U.S. State has a city of Springfield, but the notation of President Lincoln, links me to a specific place, as much as a famous shrine links my friend to a place in Thailand. (We don't need to go into all of the other many links that distinguishes Springfield, Il from all of the others!)

I am very fortunate to have so much information and tourist sites relating to President Lincoln available right in my home town. In the Spring, school buses line the streets of the city bringing students to historical sites. 

During summer, as I drive, I enjoy seeing the families with cameras in tow taking pictures of the Lincoln museum, visiting his tomb, and rubbing the nose on the famous statue of Abraham Lincoln for good luck.

Scholars come from everywhere to do research, but my favorite source of information comes from my friend, and historical author, Tara McClellan McAndrew, who has written books and plays about President Lincoln and Springfrield. In fact, if you are in the neighborhood, a play called the Lighter Side of Springfield, a comedy about people and events from the years 1818 to 1860 will be performed at the Hoogland Center for the arts July 20-21, 27-28, at 8:00 and July 22 and 29 at 2:00.

I am ordering my reserved ticket tomorrow. Hope to see many friends and tourist there.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

See my cat enjoying the sound vibrations of the drum.

Posted by PicasaI have a remarkable cat. You would never know that as a rescue cat it took us almost 4 months to bond. Now my friends come to see the cat even if I am not home. It seems that every time I went away and someone offered to take care of him, I would come home to cat who was even more mellow and sweet. Not shy of people; he is also not a pest so even non-cat lovers tolerate him.
He senses when it is my turn on the Reiki table and comes in to watch. He is my resident orb finder. Tonight he displayed his liking of being in the middle of a drum circle.

I remember my first drum circle. I had never played an instrument and was very intimidated to beat the drum. My lack of confidence was soon assuaged when I looked around the room at everyone playing their buffalo drum or other percussion instrument such a beaded gourd. As we played and chanted I noticed that each person was in their own present moment and that all the different sounds came together in the most beautiful vibrations that bound us together.

When, I mentioned my observations to my friend, Peggy, who is known for her work with drums, tuning forks, gongs, and crystal bowls, she said, "Healing Sounds through a Drum Circle often brings harmony and balance to the drummers when that is the purpose for the Circle. I have facilitated the EarthBeat Women's Drum Circle with that purpose for over thirteen years. It is not uncommon for friendly animals to notice the soothing vibes and come into the center of Circle. A shy pet may not go there, but sociable animals often do. When the drumming is soft and harmonious is when some animals show how much they feel the Beat!"

Judging from the way my cat responds to a drum circle I can fully understand the healing effects I gain from drum circle. I can hardly wait until we meet again.

If you would like to know more about drum circles or vibrational sound healing Peggy Patty  may be reached at